Sunday, October 12, 2014

Facebook Sucks Period

                                                       Facebook  Sucks  

Facebook  is a piss  bad website  That really want to dump  and myreasons  for that are  below 

One  they seem seem to think  they have the rights to  judge morals  and   monitor  posts  and  have  community morals   Simple Fuck off, BITCH.  

This might be because the owner is a fucking Jew

If you post anti-christian  or  anti-Israel  posts they are usually  removed  Shows where the staff's head is  UP THERE ASSES  

It's perfectly  alright for a bastard Christian to go to a satanist  ,pagan or wicca  area  and preach i his bastard  material shit  but you fight back  and your account to  restricted or deleated  because  it its against  community standards   FUCK YOU  ansd Your STANDARDS  

The fact is if one of these bastards  came  to my door it would be his last door  for he would either be in the hospitial  or fucking dead  !!!!  

I asked my account   be de activated   4 times and it's still there  WHY   Your worse then some of your worm filled churchs   about leaving   When someone want to leave just block there accounts   right then  WHAT"A SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND OR DO  


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

atlantic memorial 1

Dark Music   This is a good way  to start  this blog
As usual for Atlantic Memorial  they are acting like a bunch of morons . I should expect anything  else ;  That would be  a little much .
I think this bed is probably broken  and  they could care less .
All they care about is getting  5000.00  on the quarter  from  Social Security  for  a room  , and food that  i wouldn't give my DOG  and if I did I would expect him to bite me . The help ranges from  morons  to probably  illegals  who aren't paid very well .  The adminastation  is a bunch of uncaring JERKS.  
If someone says the words Atlantic Memorial  to you  RUN  don't  WALK  the other way .
If they 
If they say ENSIGN  at All  tell  them your not into STUPID  CORPORTATIONS .  That's if they add the words health care behind  ENSIGN
This  company  lost 48 million dollars  due to  Neglect  of clients .  Good reason to stay as far away as you can
While we are on the subject  lets  talk about  the so-called  TV/Internet Service  with is with Charter  Communcations  Which has been crap in Long Beach  since day one . The only worst service I can think of  is Comcast  or maybe ATT.
We have a select  choice  of nothing on the TV  and over the weekend  the internet was down  over 17 hours  CREAT  SERVICE  if your a damn  poor company ,

There  is another company you should be aware of . It's called Health Net  and they handle  Medicare /Medical  . This is because the state of California is to dam stupid  too .  These jerks are appointed  with out  asking the clients   Are they smart  no there JERKS .

Just saw a bill  from last year  Oct 1  thur Oct 31 it was for 7,000.00   for this goddam place  you have to joking . and the worst part  is Social Security Paid it  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What this is about

This is an attack mode blog   It will present my views on subject matter  which some if  you find offensive  I have one thing to say  TOO BAD  
 First  of all I'm not a sheep  I can and do think for myself .  The things I against  are not hard to understand   They  are   as follows  
1. The Police  who I consider  Stupid   and Armed  without property  training in human relations
2.  The US Government  which seems to make a lot of bad choices  which screws all of  us
3   I'm  Highly  Anti-Israel   Because they start wars  and then cry  poor me  We should stop                                                              supporting  this behavior
4 I hate the place  I'm  Atlantic  Memorial  Health  Care  it is ran by idiots  and staff is stupid  for the most  part  

This blog  will attack  all of the above  at anytime  it seems  to be in our interest . If they expect nice forget it   For  I am  not  that kind  of person  I'm a hard core Satanist .  My policy  is simple  you don't attack me and maybe i won't attack you  !!!
The exceptionals to these rules are  the police , the government  and the Christian Church   which I consider open targets   
You have been advised   act according